ISB Clubs/Codelympians

Start of Codelympians (Code Olympians)

DNam1 2023. 11. 5. 17:56

Codelympians is a club that was rebuilt and renewed this year; It was founded by my friend Matthew. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this club was inactive for a few years. Initially, as no one wanted to start his club again, it would remain inactive for the following few years. However, my passion for programming motivated me to take responsibility for reviving Codelympians. This club is mainly targeted at programming beginners and advanced programmers. Matthew and I decided that we should teach PyThon language to beginners and provide freedom to advanced programmers to code their own desirable programming projects. This was our proposal and planning document that our supervisor approved, the head of ICT, Mr. Nunan: 


Though creating a club and being a club founder is a challenge, people say

"Challenges make you discover things about yourself that your really never knew."


This year, my team was fortunate to have 17 coding members. As a starting club, I believe the initial start was a success, as 17 is not a small number compared to the number of people in other older clubs. With the sentimental feeling of both excitement and nerves, it led to the first club meeting. 




As an attachment, I attached the PowerPoit, my tem, and I made for our first club meeting. As a founder of this club, I contributed as muchas I could  to make this PowerPoint. I suggested ideas for our first meeting, including how to talk about our mission statement, include a coding problem to test the members, teach the beginners to download Python, etc. During this stage, assigning executives to work and suggesting ideas generally felt weird.

Furthermore, talking about the actual meeting with the club members, I felt proud that our first meeting was timely, well-managed, and successful. The feeling of responsibility strengthened, looking at how everyone was sitting and staring at me talking over the PowerPoint. As the club meeting went successfully, I look forward to the following club meetings, and the output or coding projects, more speicifically, this team can produce.