분류 전체보기 썸네일형 리스트형 Bear Better: First Salary I received my first-ever wage during this internship, and it felt like a major milestone. This paycheck wasn’t just a reflection of my efforts, but also a reminder of the impact Bear Better is making in our community. Being part of a company that values inclusion and offers real opportunities for people who face unique challenges has given me a new perspective on the world of work. For me, recei.. 더보기 Bear Better: Check In I was slowly adjusting to the fast pace of the pastry department, and my supervisors were incredibly patient with me, offering guidance every step of the way. I was also watching the disabled employees working. Their teamwork and dedication to their tasks were impressive, and I could see the pride they took in their work.The first five days, I still felt a sense of distance between myself and my.. 더보기 facebook business verification 인스타그램 DM에서 동작하는 챗봇을 만들기 위해서는 인스타그램 API와 페이스북 API를 사용해야 한다. 이 API를 사용하기 위해 페이스북 비지니스 인증을 받아야 한다. 6주 동안 비지니스 인증을 받지 못해 너무 힘들게 계속 시도했고(원인을 알려 주지 않고 페이스북 인증이 계속 반려되었다) 마침내 통과 되었다. 더보기 Reflection on My First Three Days as a High School Intern at Bear Better Bear BetterBear Better is a socially responsible company in South Korea that prides itself on providing meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. With over 280 employees with various disabilities working across different departments, including the pastry section, Bear Better sets an example of an inclusive workplace where everyone contributes equally to the company's.. 더보기 Varsity Swimming APAC-IASIS-SEASAC Participating in the Varsity Swimming APAC-IASIS-SEASAC competition in Bangkok was an experience that left a profound impact on me, both as an athlete and an individual. Not only because it was an international event where three regions met together after COVID-19, the event brought together talented swimmers from across Asia, making it a highly competitive and prestigious event. The atmosphere .. 더보기 Dragon's Chatbot Inspiration Path As the development of our dragon-themed chatbot nears completion, I find myself reflecting on the genesis of this project. The spark of inspiration struck me at the close of my tenth-grade year. During that formative period, I was immersed in an introductory programming course—a choice that wasn't part of the core curriculum but one that ignited an enduring flame. Programming swiftly transcended.. 더보기 DRAGON'S CHATBOT Logo draft #1 더보기 DRAGON'S CHATBOT Terms and Conditions Terms of Service Chapter 1: General Provisions Chapter 2: Service Use Agreement Chapter 3: Obligations of contracting parties Chapter 4: Service Use Chapter 5: Contract termination and use restrictions Chapter 6: Others Chapter 1: General Provisions Article 1 [Purpose) The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the terms and procedures for use of all services (hereinafter referred.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 다음